Press Conference Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Penang On 21.11.2016.
BN’s control of newspapers and the newspapers’ unprofessional and unethical attitude, in not demanding that Penang BN Chairman Teng Chang Yeow show proof of his allegation against me, have afforded Teng the luxury of freedom to lie. BN newspapers in the English and Malay media whether The Star, New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia have no public credibility or integrity because they engage in false reports and lies to stir up racial and extremist sentiments against the Penang Pakatan state government.
However some Chinese papers comprising Sin Chew, Guang Ming and China Press.have practiced double-standards by demanding that the state government show proof but not daring to demand that Teng fulfill the same high standards of showing proof. Sin Chew and Guang Ming even blacked out my press statement. This follows a serious allegation by Teng on 16 November 2016, when criticising the sale of Penang Development Corporation’s (PDC) 49% stake in Tropical Island Resort Sdn Bhd (TIRSB) to a local developer, Ideal Property Group.
80 acres out of 895 acres of land in Pulau Jerejak was granted and sold by the BN state government in 2001 to TIRSB at 73% below market price at a loss of RM34.6 million. PDC invested RM15.44 million for the 49% stake in TIRSB in 1997 and even gave a loan amounting to RM4.4 million in 2007 to TIRSB. Both the RM15..44 million investment and RM4.4 million loan, could not be recouped when TIRSB closed down with a loss of RM40 million by end 2015.
Finally UDA agreed to settle the loan of RM 4.4 million and pay RM156 million to buy over the 49% stake in TIRSB, resulting in a profit for RM140.6 million for PDC.
Utusan Malaysia did not even want to print that Ideal Property Group was not brought in by the Pakatan Penang state government but brought in by Federal government agency, UDA the majority owner of TIRSB with 51% control.
Teng claimed that I had rejected a joint-venture agreement in 2013 between PDC and Ideal Property Group, causing PDC to lose about RM220 million in profit guarantees. He asked why I kept silent over the rejection of the joint-venture agreement in 2013 but decided to sell PDC’s 49% stake in Pulau Jerejak to Ideal Property’s subsidiary 3 years later?
I had stated that Teng had lied and asked him to show proof that I had rejected a deal with TIRSB in 2013, resulting in a loss of profit guarantee of RM 220 million to PDC. However Teng has refused to show proof and replied that he would only unfold the details of the 2013 deal where I rejected a RM220 million profit guarantee for PDC – “one after another” or as The Star headline says “bit by bit”.
Teng should be reminded that this is not a game or some strip-tease show but a serious allegation that the Chief Minister rejected a deal that could have earned PDC a RM220 million profit guarantee. If he is serious, he should show proof now and not “play-play”. By refusing to do so, Teng shows how unprincipled and irresponsible he is and completely unfit to be a political leader.
Is the type of standard of BN Penang Chairman who lies and “baling batu sembunyi tangan” and cannot show proof when challenged? I will give him another 48 hours to do so.
我已经说过了,邓章耀在此事上说谎,并要求他示出证据以证明我在2013年曾经拒绝过TIRSB 的交易而导致槟州发展机构损失了2亿2000万令吉的利润保证。然而,邓章耀却拒绝示出证据,并回应说他将会相继公布我在2013年拒绝了可以为槟州发展机构带来2亿2000万利润保证交易的真相,正如今天《星报》所报导般,一点一点地层层剥开真相。