By Continuing To Blame The Chinese Community And 51% Malaysians That Rejected BN And Supported PR, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Wants To Be A Minority Prime Minister For Only 47% Of Malaysians.(en/bm/cn)

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP for Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 15.5.2013.

By continuing to blame the Chinese community and 51% Malaysians that rejected BN and supported PR, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants to be a minority Prime Minister for only 47% of Malaysians. Malaysians are shocked by race-baiting that can only be described as hate crimes by UMNO leaders, Utusan Malaysia, an ex-judge and even a pro-Chancellor of a public university.

Such disgraceful conduct by so-called intellectuals reminds us of how Hitler suborned some sections of the educated elite in Germany to support his racist supremacy theories. Now UMNO supporters are proposing a boycott of some Chinese businesses. Is this the national reconciliation that Najib is talking about? UMNO has to decide whether it wants to adopt 1 Malaysia or continue down this dangerous path of no return.

UMNO is angry and in denial mode over losing the popular vote in the 13th general elections and PR becoming the first opposition coalition to win the popular vote in Malaysian history. Has UMNO analysed their mistakes why not only the Chinese, but also Indians, urban Malays, Kadazans and Ibans voters abandoned BN despite BN’s widespread abuse of money politics and threats to voters?

How can UMNO expect not only non-Malay voters but also Malay voters, to support BN when it puts up racist candidates like Perkasa’s Zulkifli Noordin and Ibrahim Ali? How can UMNO expect not just Malay voters but also non-Malay voters, to support BN when UMNO proudly hugs MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek as its partner in power? Do not expect Malaysian voters regardless of race and religion to blindly support BN when its candidates symbolises everything that is wrong in BN by being either immoral, racist or corrupt.

If UMNO is angry at losing the popular vote to PR, PR is even more upset that we are not in power in Putrajaya despite winning a clear and unequivocal mandate in the general elections with 51% of the popular vote. PR and the 51% Malaysian voters who supported PR feel strongly that they have been cheated of victory.

PR have conducted peaceful rallies to press for polls reforms, a clean and neutral Election Commission and establishing a fair election process by respecting the “one-person, one-vote,one-value” principle. The overwhelming support for polls reforms in the nation-wide rallies organised by PKR demonstrates the people’s hunger for a fair election.

A Day Will Come…
BN and UMNO should realise that the paradigm shift in this general elections clearly shows that Malaysians do not want to live in the past of fear and hatred. Malaysians want to live in the future filled with hope where Malaysia is free from ignorance, free from poverty, free from repression of basic human rights and free from corruption.

To put the past behind us, we must demand good governance and performance from our ministers. If we want to benefit from equal opportunities and realize our human potential, we must stop extremists from continually degrading others as inferiors so as to uplift ourselves.

We can only be prosperous together. The time has come to focus on the economy, in employment, education and business opportunities as the conditions for prosperity. We must build human talent and be performance-based.

A day will come when racial unity of one race will be replaced by national unity of all Malaysians regardless of race or religion. Where the May 13 tragedy will no longer haunt the nation but be replaced by May 5 as a celebration of how love and hope can overcome hatred and fear.

A day will come where the young, the old, men and women all of different colours will hold hands together to say “No” to race politics and religious extremism. Where those in power can not enjoy their corrupt ways by continuing to divide the nation.

A day will come where the power of the people will be more powerful than those people in power. Where change is inevitable, change is progress. As Victor Hugo said, “No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come”.


—-BM Version —
Kenyataan Media Setiausaha Agung DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Bagan, Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 15 Mei 2013.

Dengan terus menyalahkan masyarakat Cina dan 51% rakyat Malaysia yang menolak BN serta menyokong Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mahu terus menjadi Perdana Menteri minoriti untuk 47% rakyat Malaysia sahaja.

Dengan terus menyalahkan masyarakat Cina dan 51% rakyat Malaysia yang menolak BN serta menyokong Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mahu terus menjadi Perdana Menteri minoriti untuk 47% rakyat Malaysia sahaja. Rakyat Malaysia amat terkejut dengan tindakan menabur umpan perkauman yang hanya boleh disifatkan sebagai jenayah kebencian oleh pemimpin UMNO, Utusan Malaysia, seorang bekas hakim dan juga seorang pro-canselor sebuah Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam.

Tindakan yang begitu memalukan oleh mereka yang kononnya golongan cerdik pandai mengingatkan kita bagaimana Hitler menghasut golongan elit berpendidikan di Jerman untuk menyokong teori keagungan kaumnya. Sekarang penyokong UMNO sedang mencadangkan supaya diboikot beberapa perniagaan masyarakat Cina. Adakah ini perdamaian nasional yang sedang diperkatakan oleh Najib? UMNO mesti memutuskan sama ada ia mahu menyetujui gagasan 1Malaysia atau terus mengikuti jalan yang merbahaya tanpa boleh berpatah balik.

UMNO sedang marah dan berada dalam penafian apabila ia kalah undi popular dalam PRU ke 13 manakala Pakatan Rakyat menjadi koalisi pembangkang pertama yang menang undi popular dalam sejarah Malaysia. Adakah UMNO telah menganalisa kesilapannya, bagaimana bukan sahaja pengundi Cina, malah India, Melayu bandar, Kadazan dan Iban meninggalkan BN walaupun BN berusaha melakukan politik wang secara meluas dan mengugut para pengundi?

Bagaimana UMNO boleh mengharapkan bukan sahaja pengundi Melayu malah pengundi bukan Melayu untuk menyokong BN sedangkan ia meletakkan calon-calon rasis seperti Ibrahim Ali dan Zulkifli Noordin dari Perkasa? Bagaimana mungkin UMNO boleh berharap pengundi Melayu serta yang bukan Melayu untuk menyojong BN apabila UMNO dengan bangga berelukan dengan Presiden MCA Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek sebagai teman berkongsi kuasa? Jangan harap pengundi Malaysia, tanpa mengira kaum dan agama untuk menyokong BN secara membuta tuli, apabila calon-calonnya pun menjadi simbolik atas segala yang tidak kena dengan BN dengan menjadi korup, rasis dan tidak bermoral.

Kalau UMNO berang kerana kalah undi popular kepada Pakatan Rakyat, Pakatan Rakyat lebih kecewa kerana tidak mengambil alih pentadbiran Putrajaya walaupun memenangi mandat yang jelas dalam PRU ke 13 dengan 51% undi popular. Pakatan Rakyat dan 51% rakyat Malaysia yang telah mengundi menyokong Pakatan Rakyat amat yakin bahawa kita semua telah ditipu dan kemenangan kita telah dirompak.

Pakatan Rakyat telah mengadakan beberapa perhimpunan aman untuk mendesak reformasi pilihanraya, sebuah Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya yang bersih dan tidak berpihak yang boleh melaksanakan sebuah proses pilihan raya yang adil dengan menghormati prinsip ‘satu orang, satu undi, satu nilai’. Sokongan hebat menuntut reformasi pilihanraya dalam siri perhimpunan di seluruh negara yang diatur oleh Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) memperlihatkan keinginan rakyat untuk sebuah pilihan raya yang adil.

Harinya akan tiba…

BN dan UMNO harus menyedari bahawa anjakan paradigma dalam PRU kali ini jelas memperlihatkan bahawa rakyat Malaysia sudah tidak mahu hidup dalam masa lalu yang penuh ketakutan dan kebencian. Rakyat Malaysia mahu hidup dalam sebuah masa depan yang dipenuhi harapan, di mana negara Malaysia bebas daripada kejahilan, kemiskinan, penindasan hak asasi manusia dan bebas daripada rasuah.

Bagi melupakan kisah silam, kita mesti menuntut pentadbiran yang baik serta prestasi yang baik daripada menteri-menteri. Jika kita mahu mendapat manfaat daripada peluang saksama dan merealisasikan pontensi insan yang kita ada, kita mesti menghentikan semua ekstremis daripada terus merendahkan golongan lain sebagai lebih hina, demi mengangkat martabat kita semua.

Kita hanya boleh hidup makmur secara bersama. Masanya telah tiba untuk memberi tumpuan kepada ekonomi, pekerjaan, pendidikan dan peluang perniagaan sebagai pra syarat kemakmuran. Kita mesti membina bakat manusia dan menilai berdasarkan prestasi.

Harinya akan tiba apabila perpaduan perkauman satu kaum akan berganti dengan perpaduan kebangsaan seluruh rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Di mana tragedi 13 Mei tidak akan lagi menghantui negara tetapi digantikan dengan 5 Mei sebagai sambutan meraikan tumpasnya kebencian dan ketakutan dengan kasih sayang dan harapan.

Harinya akan tiba di mana yang muda, yang tua, lelaki dan wanita daripada semua warna kulit akan berpimpin tangan untuk mengatakan tidak kepada politik perkauman dan ektrimisme agama. Di mana mereka yang berkuasa tidak lagi boleh menikmati jalan hidup korup dengan terus memecahbelahkan negara.

Harinya akan tiba apabil kuasa rakyat akan menjadi lebih kuat daripada mereka yang berkuasa. Di mana perubahan tidak boleh lagi ditahan-tahan; perubahan adalah kemajuan. Seperti yang disebut Victor Hugo, “Tidak ada kuasa di dunia yang boleh menghalang sebuah ide yang sudah sampai masanya”.


—–Mandarin Version —–

















2 thoughts on “By Continuing To Blame The Chinese Community And 51% Malaysians That Rejected BN And Supported PR, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Wants To Be A Minority Prime Minister For Only 47% Of Malaysians.(en/bm/cn)”

  1. Guan Eng

    This does sum up the impotence of BN / UMNO – effectively a single race party when all the alliance members have been decimated because of their failures to their communities who trusted them to do the right thing.

    So, the topple has begun and no one to blame but themselves. Over the past decades, Malaysians have ignorantly accepted in blind faith what BN has been doing. The story is that it is helping Malaysians to improve education, security, housing and income. Well, none of that has really materialised, has it? So, the rakyat is now fed up after seeing and hearing gross corruption on a scale never imagined.

    If Najib wants to be the Prime Minister of the Minority, so be it. He and his BN side kicks have no moral authority to lead Malaysia after the racist attacks and seditious activities by his dogs.

    Who can trust such a leader, if indeed that is the word? He has no respect from many millions of Malaysians for the continued incitement for hatred and fomenting mistrust between the races. Isn’t this what BN through it’s master, UMNO has been doing all these decades? I say, enough is enough!

    Malaysians seek peace and opportunity to grow, create homes for their families knowing that their daughters and sons will be safe when they go out, a quality standard of education and enough food on the table.

    To hurl insults and blame on the Chinese is so typical of UMNO. They have nothing left to fight with just like a soldier who has run out of bullets and now using a stick to monger the closet monster, what, to scare little children? Gutter journalism and politics go well for rats but then we are at a different level.

    In actual fact, it is UMNO who is shooting itself in the foot and in the face. On a daily basis, right wing turks within the party keep up with their attacks but Malaysians know better than to react to a puny samseng. The reason for this continuous instigation is simple.

    They want to cause trouble to blame the Pakatan leaders and to do so, they keep stirring the pot. Isn’t that what bullies do all the time? The best treatment for a bully is to show him a bigger animal – the Rakyat.

    BN is a fast sinking ship and the rats are scrambling to gather whatever crumbs they find in the hold. MCA is a past tense and the MIC, well. In this new world, Malaysians will gravitate to politicians who can deliver on what I call P,Q & D.

    Price based on fairness, Quality of Government and Delivery of Solutions.

    I hope you can make this as a part of your new term in office.

    Warmest wishes.

  2. Lets continually build up the spirit, the momentum
    Of Ubah… Hopefully by GE14, the percentage is overwhelmingly
    Higher than 60 percent, and there s no way to stop
    Or to cheat in the next wave of tsunami!!

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