Monthly Minimum Wage Of RM 1,100 Inclusive of Allowances, Must Be Accompanied By Accelerated Structural Reforms in Our Economy, Create More Higher Productivity Jobs, And Increasing Women Participation In The Work Force.(en/cn)

2012 Penang May Day Speech by Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng during the celebration of Labour Day at Dewan JKKK Taman Inderawasih Perai near Butterworth, Penang on 1 May 2012:

The Penang State Government regrets that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has set the minimum wage far below the level of RM1100 per month as suggested by PR at RM800 for Sabah, Sawarak and RM900 for Peninsular Malaysia.

Penang State Government has achieved the minimum monthly wage of RM 1,100(including allowances and cost of living) but excluding overtime. In other words all government servants in all state agencies and government GLCs as well as MPPP and MPSP get much more than RM 1100 monthly. Last year the lowest paid road sweeper and drain cleaner were given an extra monthly incentive of RM150.

However the minimum wage alone will not bring about a higher standard of living nor economic growth but may instead bring about inflation. To bring about economic prosperity and a higher standard of living requires a RM 1,100 minimum wage to be accompanied by the 3 measures of accelerated structural reforms in our economy, create more higher productivity jobs, and increasing women participation in the workforce.

Malaysian is in sore need of structural economic reforms to make our us more competitive, transparent, efficient as well as reduce leakages caused by wastage and corruption. Structural economic reforms such as open competitive tenders, full disclosure of contracts and personal assets of Ministers as well as a performance-based delivery system must carried out.

Creating more higher productivity jobs depends on how excellent our education system and its ability to build more human talents. The denial syndrome by Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyidin Yassin that Malaysian education system is in crisis is only surpassed by his false sense of hubris that our education system is superior to Germany, United Kingdom and United States. Unless we can inject merit and performance back into our education system, Malaysia risks being left behind by neighbouring countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam

Increasing women participation in the work force may be facilitated by a minimum wage. However, expanding and deepening women’s participation to higher levels of expertise can only be achieved when there is no gender discrimination in salaries and promotion opportunities.

Lim Guan Eng

—–Mandarin Version—–

槟州首席部长林冠英于2012年5月1日出席威省北海附近北赖Taman Inderawasih社区治安发展委员会的劳动节庆典,发表劳动节演讲:

每月1100令吉的最低工资(含津贴) , 必须伴随经济结构改革加速、制造更高生产力的工作、并增加女性劳动力。



虽然单靠最低工资并不会提高生活水平或经济成长,反而可能带来通货膨胀。如果想要取得经济繁荣和更多的生活素质,每月1100令吉的最低工资(含津贴) , 必须伴随经济结构改革加速、制造更高生产力的工作、并增加女性劳动力。


在制造高生产力的工作方面,取决于我们的教育制度和它是否能够栽培更多人才。教育部长丹斯里慕尤丁的鸵鸟心态,不仅不承认我国教育制度面临危机,还 错误傲慢地说我们的教育制度胜过德国、英国及美国。除非我们在教育制度重新贯彻绩效及表现,否则我们可能落后领国如:泰国、印尼及越南。



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