Easter Weekend Message By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng In Komtar, George Town On 31.3.2018.
Unite Against Those Who Build Walls That Separates Us And Push Us Into Racial Enclaves To Divide And Turn Malaysians Against Each Other.
The American civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King said that, “Unity is the great need of the hour. Unity is how we shall overcome.”
Malaysians must unite against those who wish to build walls that separate us and push us into racial enclaves to divide and turn Malaysians against each other. The recent constituency delineation for the 14th General Elections is a shocking exercise of not only shameless political gerrymandering but also irresponsible “electoral apartheid”.
What the Election Commission has done is not only to do BN’s bidding to help BN win the next general elections, but also adopt a dangerous formula to further deepen the racial divide amongst Malaysians. By lumping racial groups in one constituency instead of mixed seats, the Election Commission is adopting the BN racist formula where voters sees themselves as Malays first, Chinese first, Indian first, Iban first or Kadazan first instead of Malaysian first.
Further, opposition supporters are lumped in one seat as compared to BN supporters divided into many seats, a clear violation of “one person, one vote, one value” principle for democracy. In a democracy, voters choose politicians but in a political gerrymandering, politicians choose voters.
The Elections Commission has gone a step further by adopting electoral apartheid, creating racial blocs. This would allow BN to appeal to the devil of racism and extremism instead of appealing to the better angels of our nature to unite around common values of justice, fair treatment, rule of law, freedom and democracy.
DAP believes that Malaysians can still prevail by uniting against those who wish to divide us, against those who wish to build walls and against those who wish to frighten us to hate each other instead of loving each other. Happy Easter Weekend!
选委会现在做的,不只是正在下赌注以协助国阵赢得下届大选,他们也采纳了一个极其危险的方程式,进一步加剧马来西亚人民之间的种族分化。选举委员会把同一个种族集中在一个地区而不是将不同种族混合在一个地区内,根本就是在采纳国阵的种族方程式 — 选民就会自我定位为马来人优先、华人优先、印度人优先、伊班人优先或卡达山人优先,而不是以马来西亚人优先作考量。
进一步来说,所有反对党的支持者,现在全部被集中在一个选区内,而国阵的支持者,则被分到好几个选区,完全违背了民主下的“一人一票,票票等值”原则。在民主制度下,是选民投选政治人物; 但是在政治傑利蠑螈下,则变成了政治人物选择他们要的选民。