Paul Low Should Not Adopt BN’s Culture Of Lies By Claiming That Cabinet Members Should Not Publicly Disclose Their Assets Like Penang PR State Government As Penang’s Process Was Informal.(en/bm/cn)

Press Statement By Penang Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 19.5 2013

Newly-minted Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Paul Low should not adapt so quickly from President of Malaysian Transparency International to BN spokesman by being adept in BN’s culture of lies in explaining why Cabinet members should not publicly disclose their assets. Paul Low lied when the said that Penang Chief Minister and state exco members’ public declaration of assets whilst positive was ‘informal’ because officials who fail to declare their assets would not be penalised, or if the declaration is significantly inaccurate in reflecting a person’s wealth.

I wish to remind Paul Low that when he was Malaysian Transparency International President, he had lauded the Penang state government’s leaders for being the first government in Malaysia to publicly declare their assets. Instead of adopting a similar measure to uphold public integrity in the Federal government, why is he taking a different position now?

Penang’s public declaration assets are certified by an international accounting firm and a pledge signed by the EXCO members that they provided true and correct information. All EXCO members who fail to declare their assets will be unceremoniously sacked. Isn’t that a sufficiently harsh penalty to ensure full compliance?

The Penang state government has taken a step further by now requiring all elected Penang State Assemblymen, not just EXCO members to publicly declare their assets. Now that Paul Low is a BN Minister, he has swallowed the BN propaganda “hook, line and sinker” that publicly declaration of assets would threaten the personal security of Cabinet members.

What have Cabinet members have to hide? Penang state leaders have public declared their assets and yet our personal security has not been harmed. Perhaps it is because our assets are pitifully few to make much of an impact. If at all our personal security is threatened, it is by racists from BN supporters and Perkasa.

Would Paul Low take the lead by publicly declaring his assets?
Under the present BN system, a declaration of assets is made privately to the Prime Minister. How would one know whether the information supplied is accurate? With a public declaration of assets, there can be a checking and verification system in addition to that done by international accounting companies. As an accountant himself, Paul Low should know that such verification by international accounting firms are much more reliable, credible and trustworthy than government agencies monitoring and auditing the declarations, as government agencies are subject to Ministerial directives.

Behaving like a BN apologist to justify why public declaration of assets should not be implemented because it would discourage wealthy, talented and skilled persons from serving the public is unacceptable. Public service requires sacrifice and that “one must not only be clean but also seen to be clean”.

Would Paul Low take the lead by publicly declaring his assets? I still remember when Paul Low met me last year on Transparency International’s Integrity Pledge, he had refused my request that a public declaration of assets be included. Paul Low explained that by including the public declaration of assets into the Integrity Pledge, BN would not sign. Clearly he was tailoring the Integrity Pledge not to promote public integrity but to suit BN.

Paul Low must demonstrate that he can make a difference in cleaning up corruption in the BN Federal government by giving a clear and unequivocal commitment to promote public integrity. Only when the BN government commits to a public declaration of assets and implementation of open competitive tenders can convince the public. Anything less would only fuel suspicion that Paul Low is merely a plant and apologist to dress up UMNO and BN as anti-corruption.


——BM Version —

Kenyataan Media oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang merangkap Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng di Kuala Lumpur pada 19 Mei 2013.

Paul Low tidak patut memakai budaya pembohongan BN dengan mendakwa bahawa ahli kabinet tidak patut mengisytiharkan harta seperti yang dilakukan Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang kerana proses di Pulau Pinang itu tidak rasmi.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri yang baru, Paul Low tidak seharusnya bertukar begitu cepat daripada Presiden Transparency International Malaysia kepada jurucakap BN dengan menggunakan budaya pembohongan BN apabila menerangkan kenapa ahli Kabinet tidak perlu menhisytiharkan harta secara umum. Paul Low telah berbohong apabila beliau menyatakan bahawa pengisytiharan harta Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang dan ahli EXCOnya adalah tidak rasmi meskipun positif kerana pegawai yang gagal mengisytiharkan harta atau deklarasi yang dibuat tidak tepat dengan kekayaan seseorang, ia tidak dihukum.

Saya ingin mengingatkan Paul Low bahawa sewaktu beliau menjadi Presiden Transparency International Malaysia, beliau memuji pemimpin Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang kerana menjadi kerajaan yang pertama dalam Malaysia yang melakukan pengisytiharan harta secara umum. Sebalik menggunakan pendekatan serupa demi meningkatkan integriti di Kerajaan Persekutuan, kenapa pula beliau memiliki pendirian berlainan sekarang?

Pengisytiharan harta Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang disahkan oleh sebuah firma perakaunan antarabangsa dan diakujanji oleh ahli EXCO bahawa mereka telah memberikan maklumat yang tepat dan benar. Semua ahli EXCO yang gagal mengisytiharkan harta mereka akan dilucutkan jawatan. Bukankah itu hukuman berat yang mencukupi untuk memastikan semuanya patuh?

Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang kini telah mengambil satu lagi langkah dengan memerlukan semua Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, bukan sahaja ahli EXCO untuk mengisytiharkan harta. Sekarang Paul Low sudah menjadi menteri BN, beliau telah akhirnya menelan semua propaganda BN kononnya pengisytiharan harta akan menggugat keselamatan menteri kabinet.

Apa yang mahu disembunyikan oleh ahli Kabinet? Pemimpin Negeri Pulau Pinang telah melakukan pengisytiharan secara umum, tetapi keselamatan peribadi kami tidak pun terancam. Mungkin kerana asset kami begitu sedikit untuk memberi sebarang kesan. Kalau pun keselamatan kami diancam, pastilah kerana penyokong BN dan Perkasa yang rasis.

Bolehkah Paul Low mendahului dengan mengisytiharkan hartanya sendiri?

Di bawah sistem BN, pengisytiharan harta dibuat secara peribadi kepada Perdana Menteri. Bagaimana kita boleh tahu sama ada maklumat yang diberikan itu tepat atau tidak. Dengan pengisytiharan secara umum, sistem pemeriksaan dan verifikasi boleh diadakan sebagai tambahan kepada apa yang dilakukan firma perakaunan antarabangsa. Sebagai seorang akauntan, Paul Low pastinya tahu bahawa verifikasi oleh badan perakaunan antarabangsa pastinya lebih boleh dipercayai, dan lebih amanah berbanding agensi kerajaan yang mengaudit deklarasi tersebut, kerana agensi kerajaan adalah tertakluk kepada arahan Menteri.

Dengan bersikap seperti seorang apologis BN bagi memberi justifikasi kenapa pengisytiharan harta secara umum tidak patut dilaksanakan kerana ia akan menghalang mereka yang kaya, berbakat dan berkemahiran daripada berkhidmat kepada awam amatlah tidak boleh diterima. Perkhidmatan awam menuntut pengorbanan dan seseorang itu diboleh sahaja dilihat sebagai bersih, tetapi dipastikan bersih.

Adakah Paul Low akan mendahului dengan mengisytiharkan hartanya secara terbuka? Saya masih ingat ketika Paul Low menemui saya tahun lalu tentang Ikrar Integriti Transparency International, beliau telah enggan menerima permintaan saya bahawa pengisytiharan harta secara terbuka disertakan sekali. Paul Low menerangan bahawa dengan memasukkan pengisytiharan harta secara terbuka ke dalam Ikrar Integriti, BN tidak akan menandatangan. Jelaslah beliau sebenarnya beliau merekabentuk Ikrar Integriti itu bukan untuk menggalakkan integriti awam tetapi untuk disesuaikan kepada BN.

Paul Low mesti menunjukkan bahawa beliau mampu membawa perubahan dalam membersihkan rasuah dalam Kerajaan Persekutuan BN dengan memberikan komitmen yang jelas untuk menggalakkan integriti awam. Hanyalah apabila kerajaan BN berkomitmen untuk melakukan pengisytiharan harta secara umum dan melaksanakan tender terbuka maka rakyat akan percaya. Apa sahaja yang kurang daripada itu hanyalah akan menambahkan curiga bahawa Paul Low hanyalah seorang apologis yang dipergunakan secara kosmetik untuk menunjukkan kononnya UMNO dan BN itu anti rasuah.


—- Mandarin Version —-













2 thoughts on “Paul Low Should Not Adopt BN’s Culture Of Lies By Claiming That Cabinet Members Should Not Publicly Disclose Their Assets Like Penang PR State Government As Penang’s Process Was Informal.(en/bm/cn)”

  1. The malay idioms say “masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang lembu mngemok” kalau tak ikut, tentu kena tendang keluar!!! This is the prob with BN govt. In the US, we can see even the President’s own party members veto the the President’s proposal… It is the human conscience and doing what is right!!?? There is check n balance within the party itself n no one goes overboard. This is how the country can progress n curb corruptions…

  2. Guan Eng

    What do you expect? Pail Low is a paper tiger to window dress BN’s position on corruption. This another smoke screen to appease voters to say that BN has now in place a system to wipe out corruption. Really?

    I see many deal with the PM’s endorsement on questionable deals but then the evidence is hidden as commercial deals. Banks continue to give mega loans to companies with little assets.

    What can Low do really other than to do policies and reviews? He has no power, no mandate and no guts to go after the real thieves. Besides, if your boss is really interested in catching the rats, why would you? Look what happened to the deputy customs head who was recently murdered in broad day light.

    I think Low is now sitting in a nice comfortable chair earning him at least 50K a month plus expenses. Well, what to expect? Just be the Chinese mouth piece for BN to say ‘we are clean’, ‘we can do no wrong to the rakyat’, or worse use him to go after DAP members now that Najib has let loose his new Bull Mastiff in the Home Ministry. They want to silence the opposition. Yeah, put some in jail and see what happens to all your whining complaints and post election rallies which will run out of steam anyway.

    No, my view is that you and Anwar etc should proactively engage with BN and work towards changes through Parliament. No matter how difficult it is, there is no other way but to show results and leadership rather than rattling sabres on both sides. Yes, we lost this time due to unfair practices but if these are not corrected by PRU14, we are finished.

    By all means push top leaders to declare assets. If they don’t want to there is also not much you can do. It is also wasting energy. Clever politicians will work the process and get what they want by not doing the apparent but play out the chess board.

    Warmest wishes.

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