DAP’s Impian Sabah Of Providing Basic Facilities To The Sabah Poor Will Be The Promise Of Change Towards A Better Sabah With Dignity, Freedom, Justice, Democracy And Integrity.(en/cn)

DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng’s Opening Speech At The DAP Sabah State Ordinary Convention On 11.1.2014 In Kota Kinabalu.

DAP’s Impian Sabah of providing basic facilities to the Sabah poor will be the promise of change towards a better Sabah with dignity, freedom, justice, democracy and integrity. By using DAP’s limited resources to provide water and electricity to native Sabahan villages neglected by BN over the last 50 years, DAP can prove by words and deeds that we can do much more in government than the little we are able to do as an opposition party.

Apart from breaking their promises in the General Elections promises, what has BN done to reassure Sabahans that Sabah is an equal partners in the Malaysian Federation? BN has failed to undertake even the basic duty of providing security to Sabahans not just from criminals but also from foreign invaders, until tourists can be killed and kidnapped at will.

Unlike BN, the PR state government in Penang did not increase water rates, quit rent and assessment charges. To distract attention from the price hikes by the BN Federal government in sugar, petrol, power tariffs and road toll, BN stokes the fires of racial and religious hatred.

Even Sabahan religious rights are now threatened by UMNO’s racist and extremist games. The Inspector-General of Police said yesterday that he wished that the Internal Security Act is revived. Revived to do detain Malaysians without trial from practicing their rights of religious freedom as they have always done in the past?

Can ISA stop corruption? Can ISA stop the cabotage policy and implement 1Malaysia,1Price to be fair to our Sabahan brothers and sisters? Can ISA grant Sabahans a fair share of their oil and gas revenues by increasing it from the present 5% to 20%? Can ISA solve the illegal migrant issues in Sabah or even build the Pan Borneo Highway?

Unlike BN, the Penang PR state government kept our promises by not imposing any increases in water tariff, quit rent and assessment for 2014. We have provided economic growth, job opportunities until we have a workers shortage in Penang and becoming the only state in Malaysia to wipe out poverty.

For those who claim that investment is declining in Penang, I wish to refer to a to a Parliamentary written reply from the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to DAP Kuching MP Chong Chien Jen in September 2013,

“Bagi tempoh 2010 hingga Ogos 2013, sejumlah 3,023 projek perkilangan dengan pelaburan berjumlah RM174.3 bilion telah diluluskan. Daripada jumlah tersebut, sebanyak RM102.9 bilion (59 peratus) merupakan pelaburan asing, manakala RM71.3 bilion (41 peratus) adalah pelaburan tempatan.

Dalam tempoh yang sama, lima negeri yang mencatat jumlah pelaburan asing tertinggi adalah:
• Pulau Pinang (RM19.7 bilion daripada 186 projek perkilangan).
• Johor (RM16.7 bilion daripada 374 projek perkilangan).
• Sarawak (RM15.6 bilion daripada 54 projek perkilangan).
• Selangor (RM15 bilion daripada 439 projek perkilangan).
• Kedah (RM8 bilion daripada 79 projek perkilangan).

Sabah is not even in the top five but is actually in the bottom five.

What PR promises is to get Sabah back in the top five with a new model of “Maximum governance, Minimum government”, This approach will provide good governance that ensures rule of law, no corruption, social justice for the poor and a continuous pursuit of excellence with minimal interference in private sector business, private lives of individuals and their religious beliefs,

Maximum governance for the good of society but minimal government so we do fully respect the rights of citizens as anak Sabah and anak Malaysia. Sabahans have nothing to lose. BN’s rule over 50 years has only made Sabah the poorest state in Malaysia. PR’s promises of “maximum governance, minimal government” instead can transform you into one of the richest states in Malaysia.


—–Mandarin Version —-





民联与国阵不同,槟城民联政府没有提供水费、租金及门牌税。国阵为了转移大家对联邦政府导致的白糖、汽油、电费、过路费起价,还煽风点火,企图制造 种族及宗教仇恨。






• 槟城 (186项工厂投资,值197亿令吉)
• 柔佛 (374项工厂投资,值167亿令吉).
• 砂拉越 (54项工厂投资,156亿令吉).
• 雪兰莪 (439项工厂投资,150亿令吉).
• 吉打 (79项工厂投资,80亿令吉).

民联答应协助沙巴晋身五强,成为“最佳治理、最少干涉”(Maximum governance, Minimum government)的模范。这个方式能够提供良好施政,确保法治、杜绝贪污、确保穷人的社会公义、不停地追逐卓越之余尽量不干预私人界的生意、个人的生活及宗教信仰。

为了更好的社会进行最佳治理但是尽量减少干预,完全尊重沙巴 、马来西亚居民的权利。沙巴人豁出去了。国阵执政50年,只是让沙巴成为全马最贫穷的州属。民联承诺“最佳治理、最少干预”,可能让你们成为全马最富有的州属。
